Do I Have Decoration Clutter?

When you’ve finished decluttering, do you notice that your home still seems cluttered by the decor? Does it seem like there’s decoration clutter no matter what you do?

Not sure how much more you ‘should’ or might be able to get rid of or how to go about tackling the rest so you have a more peaceful abode.

If your items have accumulated so much that you still don’t feel like there’s peace in your room, then it might just be that you have too many decorations.

This is a tricky topic because it requires working through each individual item to determine what is truly meaningful for you.

To declutter things like this when you get down to this point of idenitifation, its best to go through it when you’re fresh. This way, you can make the best decisions.

Handle each of the items in order to decide whether or not it was an item that you just bought to:

  • Decorate the room
    • Did I buy this to match something in the room?
    • Did I buy this to complete a set?
    • Does this still match the style and decor of the room?
    • Do I still like this?
    • Am I only keeping this item because I spent money on it?
  • Serve a purpose
    • Do I use this item?
    • Is there something else I could use if I got rid of this item?
    • Is this item broken or in disrepair?
  • Means something to you
    • Does this item mean something to me?
    • Does this item make me happy or evoke some emotion?
    • Am I able to enjoy this item in this location?
    • Do I take care of this item in a way that honors it?

Work through as many items as you can until you start to tire. Then come back to it another day. Seeing progress will help your energy, but working the decision making for this can take some time.